Saturday, April 20, 2013

Help! I'm trapped in an Armenian prison! They only accept bitcoins for bribes: Please give generously 1FK5kVtPJquU8w9e8GS2VjUq5ZNwi47uR9

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Since my last post I've been flitting about the world looking for my place in it. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing. Helping humanity? It doesn't feel like I am, and I'm fast running out of money. I have but 10 more years of income from my dwindling wealth at the current rate I'm spending it. Either this global economy has to fix itself or I'll have to get myself another job. Coming off of my Exec VP role @ AP I will find it very difficult to work for some random corporation with the terms that I am used to.