Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Since I've recently been introduced, I'll post this entry from my point of view.

Upon a rude realization that he doesn't have as many friends as he thought here in Western Europe, Edward is returning to Canada. He's left me behind to try to sort out the identity issues that arose during his previous tours. I actually type all of Ed's entries (received via various mediums -- mostly his blackberry). I certainly have no public opinions on his comings and goings, and wouldn't want to jeapordize the best job in the world. I can attest to the fact that he's been wrongdone in these recent matters. I just hope the fault does not lie in my interpretations of his blog notes.

Jonathan L Carroll, BA, M.B.A., B.Sc., B.Comm.
-- jonathanlcarroll (at) gmail (dot) com --

Outrage from all angles

Apparently I struck another nerve with my claims about touring a controversial alternative energy facility. Enough so that I had to disable automatic comment posting and refer all replies to my associate. Here's the deleted comments with places and names removed.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":


Interesting to see this post. I am [person] of [place] - I do not know who you are, and [place] does not have any relationship with you, indeed you have never seen our technology.

So what is this all about?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

Hey mate - you've been busted as a hoax - shamon!

You've got about as much to do with [place] as a block of swiss cheese.

Surely resorting to lies is no way to run a blog.
MisterMagnetic has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

No you haven`t seen the [place] technology.

Wot a TWONKER.............

and yer pants are on fire mate!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

What a nut job.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

Funny business.
The word [place] is mentioned and
the next moment both [person] and Mark Goldes are posting comments. Why hasn't Cyril Smith posted a comment yet ?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

who is [person]?
When did he start to work for [place]?
Is he still working for [place].
Have you got any internet links to
documents written by [person] ?
numpty McNumpty has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

bwaaaa haaa haaa!

What a muppet!

trying to jump on the [noun] bandwagon!

peees off ass wipe!
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

We have recently been made aware of a coordinated attack, questioning the content on your blogger site. It would seem appropriate therefore to remind you of the terms of service under which you have subscribed, namely :

[terms of service paste]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

so what say you edward?
seems like you've been found out as
a scam!
shame on you!
cents_all_over_the_place has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

i've read your blog - you seem like a complete nut job to me.

don't you realise [people] are a scam?
gratefultedster has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

so what say you edward?
it seems you have been untruthful.
what say you!
gratefultedster has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

what say you edward?

seems like you are delusional as to your relationship to [people/place].

what say you ?
Daren has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

You've been busted! Check [someone's] own forum out - they've outed you as a [noun]!

[address (no longer valid)]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

Ed removed names becaused they were real people this time who happened to read about Ed's visits to them and helping with their technology; [outrageous accusation]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

You're a sad case mate - [person/place] indeed. Walter Mitty, eat your heart out.

John has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

But why did you lie in your initial post Ed ? .

And does this mean that we can't believe any of your posts ?
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2007 Update":

I'm guessing all comments were deleted that had any reference to the truth in the matter. [person] of [place] has said on their own website that he doesn't know you and you have never seen the tech they supposedly have.

This comment has no reference to names or places. Will this be deleted? Remember, that a bunch of people will see this before you get a chance to delete it. Deleting it will only hurt your credibility even more. You'd do better to answer the accusations, rather than hide them. Because the latter you simply can't do.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "News ban":

Is Dr. [person] still working for [company] ?
------------- I'm so sorry. It's eddy typing this. Insfhsn left me in jail but I spent 13 million to get me out to comment on the Steorn situation. Im so so sorry that I believed in this crooked friends invention. I r always been taken advantage of and I'm sure it will continue. I renounce my Irish heritage.